My Water



The availability of safe drinking water is one of the greatest public health advances of the 20th century and one of the most important reasons people are living longer. In the United States you can drink safely from virtually any public tap.


维护良好的供水系统对 消防. The ability to suppress fires influences new home construction, 商业选址决策, 保险费率和你的人身安全. MCWA provides and maintains over 27,350 fire hydrants to help protect you and your property.


Our homes and businesses cannot do without a safe and reliable water supply. 不像世界上很多地方和美国, 我们地区很幸运有充足的水资源.

The 门罗县水务局 is pleased to provide this report on the quality of our drinking water. 报告描述了来源、处理方法和测试结果. This year, 和往年一样, our tap water met all New York State and USEPA drinking water standards.

Abundant. Inexpensive. Pure.

The 门罗县水务局 is the third largest water supplier in New York State, producing and delivering an average of 21 billion gallons of drinking water every year. As a public benefit corporation organized in 1950 under the New York State Public Authorities Law, our sole purpose is to provide you with quality water and reliable service at an affordable price.

Many communities have been unable or unwilling to make the investments necessary to maintain their water systems. 门罗县水务局的情况并非如此. 2022年,我们投资了22美元.37 million in 改善基础设施. Our rates are still below the national average and in the lowest 25% of northeast U.S. suppliers. It costs an average Authority residential customer about $28 a month for all the water they need.

The 门罗县水务局’s 205 employees are dedicated to providing you all the clean, 你需要安全的饮用水, 当你需要的时候.

This 年度水质报告 is being provided to all of our customers in compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) regulations.


Our primary water source is Lake Ontario, one of North America’s five Great Lakes.  Surface water is treated at our Shoremont Plant in Greece and at our Webster Plant in Webster.  我们还经营科孚工厂, 科孚村的一个小型地下水源供应, and purchase water from the city of Rochester (Rochester) and the Erie County Water Authority (ECWA).  All the water sources we use are located within the Great Lakes watershed area.  The 服务区地图 in this report shows the typical service area for each of the treatment plants.  The boundaries between the service areas change day to day as we manage the sources to optimize water delivery to our customers.

The New York State Department of Health has evaluated the susceptibility of water supplies statewide to potential contamination under the Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP).  In general, the Great Lakes sources used by MCWA and ECWA are not very susceptible because of the size and quality of the Great Lakes.  铁杉和加拿大湖, 罗彻斯特铁杉植物的来源, are not very susceptible because of their size and controlled watersheds.  The groundwater aquifer source used by the Corfu Plant is more susceptible, but the confined nature of the aquifer provides protection against the few nearby potential contamination sources.  Because storm and wastewater contamination are potential threats to any source water, the water provided to our customers undergoes rigorous treatment and testing prior to its delivery to our customers.

The Shoremont and Webster plants and the purchased water producers all use a similar 处理过程 that includes pH adjustment, coagulation, filtration and disinfection.  Coagulants are added to clump together suspended particles in the source waters, 在过滤过程中加强它们的去除.  Chlorine is used to disinfect the water and to provide the residual disinfectant that preserves the quality of the water as it travels from each plant to your home.  添加氟化物是为了防止蛀牙. The 处理过程 at the Corfu Water Plant consists of filtration, 用氯软化消毒.  These water treatment plants operate in full compliance with all the NYSDOH and USEPA regulatory requirements that apply.

For more information on the SWAP and how you can help protect the source of your drinking water contact MCWA 客户服务 at (585) 442-7200.

Water Quality

Last year, 和过去一样, your tap water met all federal and state drinking water health standards.  The MCWA is proud to report that our system did not violate a maximum contaminate level or any other water quality standard.  这份报告概述了去年的水质.  Drinking water sources (both tap and bottled water) include lakes, reservoirs, 河流和小溪, 泉水及地下水井.  当水流过陆地或穿过地面时, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and can pick up substances resulting from animal or human activity.  Contaminants that may be present in untreated water include inorganic and organic chemicals, 除害剂及除草剂, 以及放射性和微生物污染物.  为了确保你的自来水可以安全饮用, the NYSDOH and USEPA establish regulations that set limits on contaminant levels in water provided by public water systems.  这些限制被称为最大污染物水平(MCLs)。.  条例还规定了测试, reporting, 以及每种污染物的公共通知要求.  The MCWA’s water quality monitoring program substantially exceeds federal and state requirements.  County and state Departments of Health also review our operating, monitoring and testing data for regulatory compliance and independently monitor quality in our water distribution system. Click here 浏览水务署最新的水质报告.

Some constituents we tested for were detected, but at levels well below the allowable MCLs.  一个表格 检测到的污染物 and a complete 水质概览 是由我们的每个供应来源提供的吗.  重要的是要记住所有的饮用水, 包括瓶装水, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants.  The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk.  Additional information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the USEPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

Some people may be more vulnerable to disease-causing microorganisms or pathogens in drinking water than the general population.  免疫功能受损者,如化疗患者, 器官移植受者, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者或其他免疫系统疾病患者, some elderly, 婴儿尤其容易受到感染.  USEPA / CDC (疾病控制中心 and Prevention) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by 隐孢子虫, Giardia, and other microbiological contaminants are available from the USEPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800) 426-4791 or the Monroe County Department of Public Health, 西福道111号, Rochester, NY 14620, (585) 753-5564, 或者你们当地的卫生部门.


隐孢子虫 is a microbial pathogen present in varying concentrations in many surface waters and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water.  隐孢子虫 is removed / inactivated through a combination of filtration and disinfection or by disinfection.

In 2022, the MCWA analyzed a total of four source water samples for 隐孢子虫 taken from Lake Ontario at the Shoremont and Webster water treatment plants.  在两份原水样品中检出隐孢子虫, 一个在二月收集,一个在十一月收集, 在肖尔蒙特水处理厂.  在我们工厂的处理过程中, 隐孢子虫 is removed / inactivated by a combination of filtration and disinfection.

The MCWA encourages individuals with weakened immune systems to consult their health care provider regarding appropriate precautions to avoid infection.  摄入隐孢子虫可引起隐孢子虫病, 肠道疾病, 并可能通过饮用水以外的途径传播.  Person to person transmission may also occur in day care centers or other settings where handwashing practices are inadequate.  Please contact your local health department for more information on cryptosporidiosis.


The MCWA is one of the many New York water utilities providing drinking water with a controlled, low level concentration of fluoride for consumer dental health protection.  根据美国.S. 疾病控制中心, fluoride is very effective in preventing cavities when present in drinking water at an optimal level of 0.7 mg/L.  确保最佳的牙齿保护, the NYSDOH requires that we monitor fluoride levels on a daily basis.  2022年,你家水里的氟化物含量在0以内.低于疾控中心推荐的最佳水平97毫克/升.7% of the time. 最高监测水平为1.15毫克/升,低于2.2毫克/升氟的MCL.  可以找到更多关于氟化的信息 here.


If present, 铅含量过高会导致严重的健康问题, 尤其是孕妇, infants, 还有年幼的孩子.  There is no detectable lead in the water we deliver to your home.  Lead in drinking water is primarily from lead-bearing materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing.  Although our testing indicates this is not a problem for our customers, it is possible that lead levels at your home may be higher than at other homes in the community as a result of materials used in your home’s plumbing.  The 门罗县水务局 is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components.

当你的水已经静置了几个小时, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30-seconds to 2-minutes before using water for drinking or cooking.  如果你担心你的水中的铅,你可能希望 去测试你的水.  关于饮用水中铅的信息, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1-800-426-4791) or at / safewater /铅.

Taste and Odor

Sometimes you may find your water tastes or smells like chlorine.  这水可以安全饮用.  We are required to maintain a chlorine residual in the distribution system to prevent the growth of bacteria.  消除或减少水中氯的味道, simply store tap water in a container overnight in your refrigerator.  An inexpensive carbon filter can also be used for this purpose.


There are businesses that sell home treatment units by telling you water supplied by the 门罗县水务局 is not safe.  Save your money.  The water we provide is consistently better than the drinking water regulations require and we can prove it.


Lake Ontario and the other Great Lakes provide an abundance of water to the communities we serve, and our customers greatly benefit by having this natural resource close to home.  However, it takes power to treat and deliver the water to your houses.  Therefore, conserving energy is helpful to providing clean, safe water to you.

虽然我们的水费低于全国平均水平, no one wants to pay for water that is wasted whether by accident or on purpose.  To save water, 及时修理漏水的水龙头和马桶, 当花园水管开始滴水时,更换洗衣机, 在清晨给你的草坪浇水.  After 10:00 a.m. the sun’s heat draws water from the lawn through evaporation.  When you water early, you can water less because more of the water is absorbed into the lawn. 


Every few years the EPA issues a new list of up to 30 unregulated contaminants for which public water systems must monitor. The intent of this rule is to provide baseline occurrence data that the EPA can combine with toxicological research to make decisions about future drinking water regulations. MCWA completed monitoring for the fourth list (UCMR 4) in 2020. 第五份清单(UCMR 5)的监测将于2023年开始.


For historical information on previous years’ water quality information click here


如果你对水质有疑问, your bill, 或门罗县水务局运作, 请拨打客服电话(585)442-7200.